Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The problem with today's condidates

Vote Cthulhu 2008

As explained by wikipedia.org, Cthulhu is "a giant fictional being, one of the Great Old Ones in H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos.[1] It is often cited for the extreme descriptions given of its appearance, size, and the abject terror that it invokes. Because of this reputation, Cthulhu is often referred to in science fiction and fantasy circles as a tongue-in-cheek shorthand for extreme horror or evil."
He is also explained as the great father of the Chaos gods in some mythology, but the general point is that Cthulhu is as evil as it gets.

Now, while I think this is a bit of an (funny) exaggeration, this poster illustrates my point very well. When there is no candidate available who accurately represents me, my beliefs, my morals, my points of view, it is a little hard to swallow that if I want to be a part of our electoral process, I will have to "vote for the lesser evil". I don't want to choose between two bad candidates for who gets my vote, this is not the system I want to participate in. I want to choose between a diverse group of candidates and find one who shares my beliefs and morals, and give him (or her) my vote. Sadly, I have yet to see a single person running for president who I really truly wanted to vote for, and not just so I wouldn't have to deal with his opponent in office.

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